4-H encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their unique skills and talents to the fullest potential. Young people participate in 4-H through clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps and many other activities. “Learning by doing” through hands on activities and community involvement empowers 4-H’ers to develop and strengthen life skills.
Youth participate in 4-H through school 4-H clubs, community clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps and many other activities. Although there are many common activities, each county in Tennessee has its own unique programs and areas of emphasis.
4-H is a unique educational program for students in elementary through high school. It encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their skills and talents to the fullest. As 4-H’ers, youth actively participate in activities, events and projects that develop and strengthen life skills. 4-H is open to everyone. Each county has exciting and fun programs!
Contact us to find out about the 4-H clubs in your community.
4-H Clubs
Wayne County In-school 4-H Clubs meet in the public schools. Meetings are once a month during the months of October – April for a one hour time period. Clubs meet on a classroom basis and need a teacher-sponsor in the school. We also have a home-school club for our home-school students in the county – the club meets at the UT/TSU Extension Office at 10 A.M. once a month. Please check the calendar for the next upcoming meeting date.
Clubs are organized for the year during September. Interested Teachers/Principals/Parents should call (931) 722-3229.
4-H Honor Club
The Wayne County 4-H Honor Club meets once a month at 6:00 P.M. at the UT/TSU Extension Office. During these meetings, we conduct leadership activities, service projects, and have fun! Please Check the calendar for the next upcoming meeting date or call Samantha Morrow or Callie Fisher at the Extension Office for more information. The meetings are open to 4-H’ers who are in 7th – 12th grade.
Clubs elect officers who preside each month. Events are conducted each month in which the 4-H’ers participate in Public Speaking, Recycled Ornament Contest, Demonstration Contest, Bread baking contest, photography contest and the 4-H poster contest. Members who participate in these events receive awards.
Blue ribbon winners of school club events are invited to the County events. Winners there can even go to Region events and possibly on to State events.
4-H Chick Chain
Any and all Wayne County 4-H’ers in grades 4th through 12th are eligible to order 4-H chickens, raise them, and then show them in our county poultry show. Contact Samantha Morrow for more details.
Contact Information

Samantha Morrow
TSU-Ext. Agent II (TSU)
Phone: (931) 722-3229
Email: scarte10@tennessee.edu

Callie Fisher
UT-Extension Agent I
Phone: (931) 722-3229
Email: calcfish@tennessee.edu

4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.